Monday, September 24, 2007

Tech notes II

This is for the real gadget freaks!

I've got comment moderation enabled on the blog. Translation: If you leave a comment (please do!) after any of the posts, Blogger emails it to me and I have to OK it being published. I wanted this option so as to delete unwanted spam and inappropriate language (you know who you are, potty-mouths).

Previously, I would get the email on my PDA (Palm Treo 650) while I was out and about. I then had to find Internet access in order to allow the comment to be posted. But today, I had a minor breakthrough!

The Treo 650 has an Internet browser called Blazer. I haven't used it much as it always seemed very slow. I got an email today about a comment under "1-800-How's my doctoring?". Clicking on the "Publish it" link in the email took me to the Blogger log-in page where I can access this blog and authorize the comment. Sweet!

I've already experimented with "mobile" posting directly from my PDA but this "discovery" makes the whole works mobile. Not impressed? Well, you were warned - this was for gadget freaks only!

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